
movementbyrobert movementformusicians movementjoyforlife wornoutmusicians Feb 06, 2023

Resolutions. I didn't make any this year. Research shows that most people have given up their New Year's resolutions by January 19. Why bother? 

This year, I decided to simply be....I just waited for inspiration to come. I didn't take anything new on, I just continued my work. However, I found myself listening in a different way. Because I was really anticipating some guidance or an epiphany, I kept looking for it. It never appeared. Did I fail? Had I really messed up not making my list of "Rs" this year?

In this past month of listening, I ended up being able to do what felt good right then. I attended a couple of yoga classes. I did some Bones for Life classes. I did some Feldenkrais. I listened to music. I sat in silence. I slept.

Now, into the second month of the year, I'm beginning to feel ready to step back into my work and life.  Rather than having taken on so much that won't last, I let go of what I didn't need and embraced the beauty of just being...being Resolved.


Dr. Robert is teaching an IN-PERSON series starting Feb 28. Click below to learn more.