Welcome! I'm busy adding to my website. Some links are currently inactive. Check backĀ MAY 1 for full and exciting things! Dr. Robert (April 2024)

MovementByRobert breaks new ground in musical performance enhancement by introducing interactive, evidence-based physical andĀ mental therapeutic practices to improve musicians' awareness and understanding of their bodies to prevent and avoid injury and elevate their performance for a lifetime.

"The Embodied Performer" for Singers and Instrumentalists

Find out more about how to use your body for greater musicianship and injury prevention. Click below for instant access to some free material and how to learn more...

I'm ready to be an Embodied Performer

Bones for LifeĀ®

BFL is a system of movements created by Ruthy Alon which has instant and lasting results for performers. Click below for a free video and other options on learning and using this work.Ā 


Work with Robert!

Intrigued what working with a somatic educator and coach might be like? Learn more about residency programs for schools of music, group programs, and 1-1 coaching, including a free 20 min discovery session. Click the button below...

I'm ready to transform

ā€œRobert observes to find the comfort between the musician and their instrument to understand how their movement is affecting the music.ā€

-Marcos Krieger, DMA, Susquehanna University

 It’s nice to meet you!
Hello, Iā€™m Dr. Robert, the creator of Movement by Robert. I believe there isn't a reason to play through pain. I did for far too long. As a result of finding a way to avoid playing in pain, recovering from years of not being aware of what I was doing, I discovered the JOY of performing again.Ā 

My work is work is based on the teachings of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and further refined and developed by Mia Segal and Leora Gaster of Mind Body Studies (MBS) Academy. Hear more about how my teachers learned from Dr. Feldenkrais himself in this video:Ā 
Video Poster Image

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